Session 2 : Chenin Blanc world history
Session 3 : Heritage elements of Chenin Blanc landscapes
Session 4 : Chenin Blanc: an asset for climat change ?
Session 5 : Viticulture and winemaking itineraries of Chenin Blanc in a changing environment
Session 1 : Biology and behavior of Chenin Blanc in a changing environment
The Speakers' presentations
Presentation (fr) "Chenin Blanc knowledge" by Jean-Michel Boursiquot :
Presentation (fr) "Chenin Blanc repository in Montreuil Bellay" by Virginie Grondain :
Presentation (eng) "The Pinotage old vine story - lessons learnt for future genetics research in Chenin Blanc" by Johan Burger :
Poster (fr) "Terroir Expression" by Lilian Bérillon :
Poster (fr) "The UNIK massal selection" by Pépinières Mercier (Olivier Zekri) :
Presentation (fr) "History of Chenin blanc in the Loire Valley" by Henri Galinié :
Presentation (fr) "The versatility of Chenin Blanc : a hypothesis of the History of its implatation in the Loire Valley" by Patrick Baudouin :
Presentation (eng) "The History of Chenin Blanc in South Africa by Irina von Holdt :
Presentation (fr) "Anjou's Vine and Wine Heritage" by Thierry Pelloquet :
Presentation (fr) "Viticultural closeries of the Loire Valley: the example of field houses in the Rochecorbon" by Claude Mettavant :
Presentation (eng) "Old Vine Chenin Blanc: Preserving heritage and creating future value" by André Morgenthal :
Presentation (fr) "The vineyard garden of the Loire Valley, the example of Savennières, from the vineyard to agricultural landscaped grounds" by Myriam Maidet :
Presentation (fr) "The impacts of climate change on the wine sector, prospective scenarios and adaptation strategy; reflections to serve the future of chenin blanc in Val de Loire and beyond ..." by Hervé Hannin :
Presentation (fr) "Ajustment of viticulture to climate change in the Mediterranean region: a spatial analysis " by Vicente Sotés :
Presentation (eng) "The ajustment of viticulture to climate change in the Center-Val de Loire region: the co-construction of ajustment scenarios " by Isabelle Lajeunesse :
Presentation (eng) "Chenin Blanc adaptability and versatility in various terroirs- A South African Viticulturists’ perspective." by Marco Ventrella :
Presentation (fr) "The DO Mentrida in Spain: What blockages and levers for the development of climate change ajustment strategies?" by Chloé Plumas :
Presentation (fr) "A Chenin decision help system to predict grape berries maturity and anticipate wine potentialities" by Ilaria Brunetti :
Presentation (fr) “Chenin Blanc ripening dynamics in Anjou: focus on the 5 last vintages through berry active sugar loading, berry volume and color evolution.” by Nicolas Bernard :
Presentation (eng) "A review of winemaking practices that ensures best in class results in a changing environment." by Niel Groenewald :
Poster (eng) "Vine architecture and taste" by Valeria Panzeri :
Poster (fr) "Chaume and Savennières, viticultural territories moving towards biodiversity" by Ambroise Bécot :